The Global Impact of Your Support

Larry Schlesinger, MD

Greetings to all. I am proud to present to you the newly minted, first annual Texas Biomedical Research Institute’s Development Report hot off the press. This report will showcase some of the exciting developments that our gracious and giving donors are supporting and introduce some individuals you may or may not be familiar with. This report will also offer a summary of the incredibly successful Global Health Symposium, held this past April and included participants from across the globe, both virtually and in person.

I also want to take this opportunity to say thank you. If you are reading this, then you are part of something special. Texas Biomedical Research Institute could not do the groundbreaking research that produces the treatments for infectious diseases without your support. The global impact of that support cannot be overstated. From funding the research, to enabling the Institute to seek out and hire the best possible scientists and faculty, to helping us realize our plan for cutting-edge facilities construction during this first phase of our overarching, 10-year strategic plan, you — our donors and our community — have embraced our mission and our vision and have leaned in to support our goals. We absolutely could not do it without you. With your continued support the future before us is bright. New treatments and new technologies await in that future because of your support.

Because of our dedication to community education and your support of the Institution’s educational programs, there is a student in our greater San Antonio community who will have been exposed to our educational outreach and who will, I am positive,

With your continued support the future before us is bright. New treatments and new technologies await in that future because of your support.

Larry Schlesinger, MD

become an impactful future member of the team here at Texas Biomed — all because of your support and your substantial giving.

Of course, I would be remiss not to say thank you to our amazing faculty, our incredible stable of research scientists, and the multitude of behind-the-scenes team members. Without all these people working side by side in concert in our cutting edge facilities, we as an organization would not be able to consistently produce the kind of results we do.

To close, I can say confidently that as incredible as our past has been, this year especially, and with the continued support from individual and corporate donors, and with the continued dedication and hard work from the Texas Biomed Forum and the Founder’s Council, the future looks to be even more exciting.

Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and enjoy this report.

Larry Schlesinger, MD

President and CEO

Texas Biomedical Research Institute facilities

A look at a lab inside the new Global Center for Bioscience. Rendering by Flad Architects

You showed up in a big way!


I would like to thank all of our generous donors, both individual and corporate who make it possible for Texas Biomed to have impact in the community. Because of you, we stand tall today at the forefront of biomedical research and our fight against global infectious disease. Thanks for showing up in a big way.

I also offer a warm thank you to the Texas Biomedical Forum for their tireless support of Texas Biomed for over 50 years. These selfless women are relentless advocates of the mission of Texas Biomed and their hard work continues to pay massive dividends in the community and across the globe. I want to also say a big thank you to our Founder’s Council for the incredible job they do for the Institute. The Council is an inspiring model for encouraging the next generation of young

professionals to invest time, treasure and talent in the community and in Texas Biomed.

With the intention of showing deep gratitude to all our Texas Biomed supporters, friends, and partners, it is my pleasure to share with you the first edition of the annual Development Report. We hope you find it informative and look forward to the issues to come. Your support makes it possible for Texas Biomed to lead the way in developing live-saving interventions for the world. We look forward to your continued partnership as we work to change the landscape of biomedical research through new innovative programs and capital projects in the next few years. Join us as we… build for innovation in health!

The New Global Center for Bioscience

Science is a creative process that requires inspired spaces as much as it requires advanced technologies. Texas Biomedical Research Institute will build a new Global Center for Bioscience reflective of the Institute’s spirit of collaboration and innovation.

Imagine a new, modern, scientific facility; one striving to create new life-saving therapies. Now, imagine that cutting-edge facility rising from the rugged Texas Hill Country. Further imagine that this shining scientific edifice would be a brilliantly lit guide light capable of bringing some of the brightest minds in biomedical research science together in the spirit of developing innovative solutions to some of the world’s most dangerous and life threatening infectious diseases; a facility devoted exclusively to solving world health problems and educating the future problem solvers; a facility that encourages multi-disciplinary research and partners with diverse

The New Global Center for Bioscience rendering

Communal areas will enhance
collaboration and social interaction.
Rendering by Flad Architects.

elements across the business, pharmaceutical, and education fields. That kind of facility is exactly what Texas Biomedical Research Institute will build within its existing footprint with the opening of this Global Center for Bioscience — the opportunities for impactful solutions are limitless. As designed, the new

The New Global Center for Bioscience

facility will bring innovative research together with a philosophy of community education to engage the minds and creativity of the next generation of scientists. The building is designed with technologically advanced capabilities in mind. This focused approach will enable scientists in San Antonio to collaborate real time with other research communities across the world. This capability will help expedite planning and

execution of research that will lead to groundbreaking discoveries and solutions. The facility will house the most modern, functional, and flexible interior lab space while utilizing as much natural light as possible in its design structure. These laboratories will include state of the art BSL-2/3 capable space with modular components that offer high functionality, the ability to seamlessly

Woman outside the New Global Center for Bioscience

Texas Biomed Global Center for Bioscience rendering

As the cornerstone of the Institute’s 10-year strategic plan, the Global Center for Bioscience will be the new front door to the Institute. In addition to its advanced research technology and pioneering design, there will be a celebration of the Institute’s rich history and deep connection to the culture of south-central Texas. Also included will be a strong connection to San Antonio’s vibrant art community. The building will be an epicenter for the world’s brightest minds to engage in insightful discussion, create unique linkages, and develop innovative solutions to the most pressing infectious disease and global health challenges.

Rendering of interior space - Open interior spaces
provide areas for

Open interior spaces
provide areas for
Rendering by
Flad Architects.

“This new center will ensure Texas Biomed remains a powerhouse in lifesaving infectious disease research for decades to come, boosting our regional economy and our global health footprint.”

Jamo Rubin

— Dr. James (Jamo) Rubin, Chairman, Texas Biomed
Board of Trustees

collaborate, and that will be endlessly adaptable to future technological developments. There will be a large multipurpose space, several conference rooms, and a modern entry lobby that invites the community to interact with Texas Biomed. No less important are the vital behind-the-scenes capabilities that will provide for loading and storing chemicals, offer high-capacity server rooms, include a robust fire command center, and, of course, a professional security department.

Unique to this collaborative research model is the equally intense focus on education. Texas Biomed is committed to the instruction of students from


Open Flexible Labs

Modularity; large, shared primary lab space; and movable components will enable functionality, collaboration opportunities, and adaptability.

Hybrid Team Space

Providing research teams with variety and choices in places to meet in small or larger groups heightens communication and well-being; enhancing innovation and discovery.

Lab Support

Shared resources and specialized instrument rooms adjacent to primary labs will be workhorse spaces for experimentation and data collection.

the beginning of their educational journeys until long after they enter post-doctoral programs. The educational offerings will continue to impact the greater San Antonio community with hands on learning that prepares participants for science, technology, engineering and math-based instruction and employment. The facility will house our new center for science and education. Our new educational area will increase our ability to facilitate student learning with the ability to utilize the planned, multi-functional lab space and conference rooms. The education center facilities will allow Texas Biomed to grow its educational outreach and the associated programs long into the foreseeable future, thereby creating the next generation of problem solvers and teachers.

As you can see, Texas Biomed is dedicated to remaining at the forefront of scientific research to protect the world’s population from the expanding and evolving threat of infectious disease. But we can’t do it alone. Only with the help of our donors, corporate partners and our extensive network of supporters, can we bring this project to fruition and change the landscape of the San Antonio Community and biomedical research. We look forward to years of support as we embark on this important journey.

“Central to our achievements and future growth is the Global Center for Bioscience, allowing us to expand our faculty numbers and to provide the most state-of-the-art facilities and equipment that will foster scientific excellence.”

Joanne Turner

— Joanne Turner, PhD Executive Vice President, Research